From birth, your little one needs to be carried. And guess what? There isn't just one way to carry your baby, but a whole lot of different ways, whether it's by holding him or thanks to a babywearing system! Which one will you choose?
Practical details
Package of 4 workshops or one workshop at a time
Workshop duration: 1h30
Individual or group session (on demand)
Rates: €65 (individual) or €45 (group)
Package of 4 workshops: €225
At your home (or another location of your choosing) in Brussels and surroundings
Introduction to arm holding and the specificities of physiological carrying
Discover the different carrying systems (wrap, sling, Mei-Tai, preshaped...)
Possibility of trying out different systems on yourself
When ? At the end of pregnancy or after birth
Learn one or two knots from your chosen system(s)
If your baby is present and willing, we can set him up at the end of the workshop once the techniques have been learned.
The workshop can be held at the end of pregnancy or after birth.
Adapting positions to the growth of babies aged of 8 weeks to 3-4 months
Breastfeeding positions can be practiced in the carrying systems if desired
Adaptation of the babycarrying techniques and positions to the baby’s growth and needs
Off-center ventral carrying, on the hip or on the back
After 3-4 months
Workshop course
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